Puzzles & Life Lessons!

So in the past few months, I’ve taken on a new hobby..puzzles. I was in Target and one caught my eye, so I thought ‘hey why not, it’ll be fun and keep me busy.’ Since then I have been hooked and have even purchased puzzle glue as I just couldn’t fathom all of my hard work going to waste lol. Those closest to me are aware as I have been on plenty of phone calls and FaceTimes while scrunching up my eyebrows cause ‘ehh that wasn’t the right spot for that piece’ and whomever I was on a call with would laugh admirably and say “you are really into these puzzles aren’t you?” Anyways, there were also plenty of instances where I was alone during this hobby, no facetime, no calls, no music, just me, my puzzle and God. What I realized was that He had A LOT to teach me during this new hobby of mine.

First I learned about my stubbornness. There were pieces that I just KNEW belonged in a certain spot and they wouldn’t just fit. I’d remove the piece, observe it closely and then look back at the spot and try it again and again only to no avail lol. I would get so annoyed and often say out loud “Ugh why can’t you just go there?” only to find out later that it simply belonged somewhere else. God said to me in those moments, “How many times did you want something to happen and I said no? You’d ignore me and keep at it, fail, fail and fail again? Only to realize that wasn’t part of the plan and I said something(one) else for you that belonged there….”

To piggyback off of that I learned about trust. See sometimes I would leave a piece there thinking to myself that although it didn’t go in easily, that just HAS to be the right spot. Only to find out that after it laying in the incorrect spot for minutes or hours that it in fact was NOT in the right spot, eve though it looked like it. Moral of the story, God has let certain “puzzle pieces in my life to lay where I thought they belonged, even when it was in the incorrect spot” until I decided to let go and TRUST him! The minute I figured where the piece belonged I was like OHHHHHH… I’m sure God was looking down on my shaking my head like “Girl have I ever strayed you wrong?!?!?!?” lol

Last thing I want to mention is patience!! I would sometimes comes across certain scenes in the puzzle I was SOOOO ready to complete (I.e. the table on the patio) or whatever. I would figure well it has certain colors so it will be simple to put together. Sometimes this worked out just fine, other times it didn’t and I’d be like darn why can’t I just fine the leg to the stupid table….. God was saying to me in those moments, “you can’t find it because I have not made it visible to you yet!” In other words, sometimes I was so ready to get to something but God was like NOPE not yet lol. What’s crazy is that when I finally did “finish the table” I didn’t feel like any different, like oh I didn’t miss out on anything simply because the leg of the table piece wasn’t found yet. (I really hope this makes sense lol) But moral of this story is to just be patient and allow things to fall into place in its proper time.

Who would’ve thought that I would get all of this from a few puzzles haha!

Published by MsSummers2U

Whatever pops up in my head is what you'll be reading...Enjoy

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