That’s fine, I’ll wait

I hope everyone is having a nice week so far. I’ve been under the weather but wanted to pop in since yesterday was Valentine’s Day! Even though I didn’t have an official valentine, I was surprised with a sweet thoughtful gift which lifted my spirits. I mean I am a hopeful romantic after all lol.Continue reading “That’s fine, I’ll wait”

Stubborn, Pride, Grace

The other day I was thinking about relationships that fade away. Friendships included. There’s a friend of mine that comes to mind while writing this. In 2015 we got into a huge fight & she expressed that she felt that I betrayed her. My response was well you were the one that did something wrongContinue reading “Stubborn, Pride, Grace”


Have you ever been guilty of self-sabotage? Wait lemme back up and define what it is. Self-sabotage is when people do (or don’t do) things that block their success or prevent them from accomplishing their goals. The article goes on to explain that we can do this consciously and unconsciously. It can affect our personalContinue reading “STOP!”

F. O. M. O. Ain’t real

I’m sure you’ve heard of the acronym but if not it stands for Fear of Missing Out. FOMO is the feeling of apprehension that one is either not in the know or missing out on information, events, experiences, or life decisions that could make one’s life better. Also nowadays social media only heightens this feelingContinue reading “F. O. M. O. Ain’t real”

Two gems from Social Media

I want to share with you two things that resonated with me. One from a beautiful influencer I follow and also one from a long time friend. First up: “I didn’t need to be THAT GIRL. I needed to be me.” So basically the post referenced how although she may not be the girl withContinue reading “Two gems from Social Media”